Competition - THAT ONLY SHOT, a Weekly ARCHITECTURE-INDIA Photo Contest on “Streets & Bazars” by Council of Architecture
The Council of Architecture is delighted to have you on board and for showing your interest in pursuing Architecture – a unique discipline that plays a significant role in shaping our built environment and impacting our lives in various ways.
In order to introduce you to the fascinating field of Architecture, the Council is excited to announce a Weekly Instagram Competition - THAT ONLY SHOT, a Weekly ARCHITECTURE-INDIA Photo Contest from 26.05.2024 to 01.06.2024. The theme of the Competition for this week is "Streets & Bazaars". The Council invites you to become a part of this Competition.
In order to participate, please share a fascinating image of your city that you have captured, on the weekly theme. The image can be of the amazing streets of your city, the architecture, parks, festivals, food, rivers, or any interesting event in your city. Name the city and the place.
Post it on your personal Instagram IG and tag five friends, as a challenge to follow. Post it on your Instagram Feed and Story. Tag the following - Council of Architecture @council_of_architecture_india and tag the hashtags #Photocontest #architecture #architecturestudent
In order to send your entry for the competition, please register at the SAMARTHAYA PORTAL and upload the screenshot of the image posted on Instagram IG latest by 01st June, 2024 (11:00PM night).
Each week – three entries will receive Commendation Certificates and a reward of Rs.3000/- and one book each. Selected images will be part of an e-publication. The Image needs to have atleast 50 Likes at the end of the week. The image should be your original and by participating you agree to these guidelines.